Zachary's Physical Chemistry Book

My brother is currently in school at UTK pursing a graduate degree in Physical Chemistry and is already a brilliant scientist that talks way over our heads at every family holiday. He works in a lab on differing experiments along with attending classes for his degree and requested that I make a journal for him to keep notes in. Being that this project was for my brilliant, detail oriented, nerdy brother, I wanted to make sure to reflect all the things that are quintessentially him in this project.


As kids we loved anything to do with Sherlock Holmes, so I picked this vintage copy of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes as a wink and nudge at my brother's investigative skills in the scientific arena while also reminiscing a bit on our childhood.


When we were kids, my brother Zachary was obsessed with anything related to science. He used to collect massive colorful dictionaries on the human body, the solar system, name it, he was interested and already memorizing factoids (which he would quiz the rest of the family no avail). So when I found this golden dinosaur paper, I couldn't resist throwing in a bit of playful whimsy.


I've also been super obsessed with these leather closures lately and especially wanted to include one for my brother; he's always stuffing loose leaf notes inside of things so I wanted to make sure that if he continued this habit those items would be a wee bit more secure (and less likely to be lost).


I also gave him a pocket in the back for the same reason. I also managed to salvage a picture of Sherlock from the original book and wanted to reinclude it in this journal. I've noticed that some my favorite journals are that way because I've taken the time to incorporate minor details that make a major difference to the recipient. This pocket was definitely one of Zach's favorite parts.


I added in some cosmetic detailing by slightly modifying the coptic stitch with some extra stitches that are found traditionally with Japanese Stab Binding. Again, I feel like the details are what makes this journal come alive.


I loved working on this project and creating something unique for my brother to use in the world of Scientific discovery where a different sort of creativity tends to reign supreme. Lately I've been really interested in working on projects that will be used for purposes outside of your typical realm of journaling. It challenges me to think in a new way and I am always looking for those opportunities to set my hands to something I've never done before (like a journal for a scientist!) 

Besides, whenever my brother has children, I'm sure this keepsake will be passed down to his kids, which may already nominate me for the coolest Aunt award (sorry Hope!).


Bookishly yours,



P.S. I have some exciting changes being announced in the coming weeks! I can't wait to share with you all, so keep your ear to the ground!