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Cultivating Gratitude: November Journaling Practice

November is here, and you know what that means - the season of Thanksgiving is upon us. Whether Thanksgiving is a holiday you’re joyfully anticipating or you’re already dreading, I’ve found that November is a perfect time to embark on a journey of gratitude.

But…why November?

November is a special month. It marks the beginning of the holiday season, the transition from fall to winter, and, of course, Thanksgiving. But with the arrival of Thanksgiving, we also know that Black Friday is looming close behind.

It’s supremely ironic to me that a holiday with gratitude at its center is often overshadowed by an entire day created by corporations to frenzy our focus on what we don’t have.

Don’t get me wrong—I love shopping for gifts, and I even love deals. But every year I notice the Black Friday deals become Thursday deals (and on and on 🙃) and if I’m not paying attention I will miss out on the joys right in front of me on Thanksgiving because I’m afraid to miss out on $15 discounted sheets at Target.

So, the medicine I’ve discovered for the part of me that’s afraid of missing out is to cultivate a gratitude practice—especially during November.

And if this is a new practice for you, then November is literally the perfect springboard to start your journey into gratitude. This time of year naturally invites reflection and a sense of appreciation. The days get shorter and the air turns crisper, making it ideal for cozying up with your thoughts.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude isn't just a warm and fuzzy feeling and it isn’t just relegated to Thanksgiving. Gratitude is planting your feet in the gift of today. It’s relearning how to find the wonder and awe we leave behind in childhood. It literally rewires your brain, improves your mental health, reduces your stress, improves your relationships, enhances your resilience from trauma, and has even been shown to aid your sleep, just to name a few of the benefits.

And this isn’t just my opinion either—science is proving the power of gratitude. That’s right…SCIENCE. If you don’t want to take my word for it, go take a read! The research is fascinating.

Okay, I’m convinced. How do I start?

While there are many approaches to gratitude, one of the most impactful for me has been journaling daily gratitude. The key reason being this: in seasons that feel especially hard or painful, I can go back and read my entries. There have been desert seasons in my life when reading my gratitude from years before has fed me and sustained me and reminded me of the goodness of God when everything in the present looks bleak.

But, I know friends who spend the first 10 minutes of each day laying in bed and expressing their gratitude verbally like a prayer. I have another friend who keeps a folder on their phone for photos that spark gratitude that they scroll through daily instead of doom-scrolling.

However you want to cultivate gratitude, just get your feet wet and start!

But here’s my short list of cultivating gratitude through journaling:

1. Choose Your Tools

All you need is a journal and a pen. You can set aside a specific journal for gratitude, but that isn’t necessary if you have a journal you love writing in. Of course, you can also use digital tools if you prefer, but there's something satisfying about the tactile experience of writing by hand (and research shows that physically writing something out helps you to better recall it 😉).

2. Set Aside Time

Find a consistent time each day to write out your gratitude. It could be in the morning to set a positive tone for the day or at night to reflect on your experiences. Don’t feel pressure to labor over this for hours…20 minutes a day is great. You can even break this up with 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.

3. Feel It First

Once you’ve identified at least one thing you are thankful for, let yourself feel it in your body for five minutes. Live inside the memory by remembering through your five senses: what did you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch?

4. Write It Down and Be Specific

Once you’ve felt your gratitude, write it down! Don't just jot down generic things like "family" or "friends." Be specific. For instance, "I'm grateful my sister comforted me when our dog passed away" or "I appreciated all the care my friend put into making dinner for me." As you build on this practice, also write down what your senses remember. “I’m grateful for my sister’s comforting words when our dog passed away. I remember the tears running down my face and my throat feeling tight. When she told me it would be okay, I could breathe easier again.”

5. Make it a Habit

Consistency is key. Aim to spend 20 minutes writing out your gratitude in your journal daily. If that feels too long, start with five minutes and build onto that time as you gain practice and confidence.

6. Reflect and Evolve

As the month progresses, you'll likely find that your perspective shifts. You might start noticing smaller things to be thankful for or have more things to list out than 20 minutes will allow. Embrace this growth and let it deepen your practice!

Beyond November

While November is a wonderful time to start a gratitude journal, don't feel limited to just one month. Cultivating a daily practice of gratitude can shift your life year-round. Consider turning your November experiment into a lifelong habit. 😉

I would love to know if this practice is helpful for you! Tag us @inkandhoneybooks on Instagram or let me know in the comments.